Internal Medicine

General Information

  • Report first day at 0630-0700 in the Control Room in the Wearn Building (Between Cafeteria and Lakeside) for sign-out.

  • After sign out, pre-round on your patients 0700-0800. Rounds generally start at 0800.
    Note: if you have patients on Lerner tower, but your main team is in Lakeside (Wearn/Naff/Eckel), we recommend that you see the Lerner patients before heading all the way to Lakeside. It’s quite a walk to go back and forth.

  • Attire: business casual, scrubs on long call days

  • Learn to present, admit, and manage patients and sign-out efficiently.

    • After rounds, it’s helpful to create a short list of To Do’s for the day by patient (this will also speed up running the list with your seniors) - prioritize consults (do this first thing in the morning even before rounds if you are able to/have run it past your senior), discharges and orders (especially procedures/imaging) first, notes and handoff/sign out should be last.

    • Make sure to follow consult notes daily - they may not always call you with updates, some services just update their A&P with recommendations.

    • As soon as you get a new admission, quickly read their chart and see them ASAP.

      • ALWAYS confirm code status on admission

      • Helpful to confirm home meds and preferred pharmacy

    • Always ask your seniors if you have any doubt or questions!

    • Work on discharge paperwork EARLY - DP2, appointments, scripts, gold form, wound care recommendations, hospital course.

    • At the end of the rotation, make sure to send the incoming resident a thorough sign-out of your patients - include next day’s To Do’s and general pre-discharge To Do’s.

Medicine Scheduling Expectations


Long Call

Admit up to 3 patients before 1900.

Max amount of admissions = 3

Generally you get your admissions after 1600.


Short Call

Admit up to 1 patient up 1300.

Max amount of admissions = 1

Ask around the Hellerstein (Cardiology) room for short call admissions as soon as you arrive in the morning for sign out. Generally, the admissions overnight (1) go to the short call, and if there’s more than 1, it goes to the medium call.

Medium Call

Admit up to 2 patients before 1600.

Max amount of admissions =2

Sometimes, you will be given a medium admissions or both of them, when you arrive in the morning for sign out. Common in heavy load/high turnover teams like Hellerstein (Cardiology). But that means, you are capped, and do not get admissions later on during the day. In other words, you may be able to leave earlier.


Happy Call

No admission

Round on your patients, finish up the work, and go home!


General Medicine (Wearn/Naff team)

Team room: Lakeside 50 (2nd floor) - a team of 2 interns

Goals & Objectives <download>


You carry the pager on your LONG and MEDIUM days. You are expected to stay until sign out at 0630 both long and medium call days.

Days Off

  • If your HAPPY and/or SHORT days fall on the weekend.

  • If you have a black weekend (Long on Saturday and Medium on Sunday), then you take any happy day off during the week. Communicate with your seniors.

  • A golden weekend is one where you are short on Saturday and Happy on Sunday.

(Hellerstein team)

Team room: Lerner Tower 5th floor - team of 4 interns

Goals & Objectives <download>


You can carry the pager on your LONG CALL days. You are responsible for the sign out at 1830 on your long call days only. You are likely to get admissions until 1900, since it is a long call anyway. However, many times you are there until sign out time on your medium call days too.

Days Off

Only your HAPPY call day that falls anywhere between Friday to Monday.

Because it is a team of 4 interns, the cycle guarantees that you are off either Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday - whichever day you are scheduled HAPPY CALL.

Nephrology (Eckel team)

Team room: Lakeside 55 on the 5th floor - a team of 3 interns

Goals & Objectives <download>


Generally a 4 week rotation -> 3 weeks inpatient, 1 week consult

The intern on consults will take over the service patients of the intern taking over consults the following week.

Proposed Admission Rules

  • A “long-medium-happy” q3 day call schedule

  • Long will take up to 3 admissions till 1900.

  • Medium will take up to 1 overnight admission, none on weekends.

  • Happy will take no admissions. They are off on weekend days.

Days Off

Your HAPPY CALL day that falls anywhere between Friday to Monday